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Geolocation of discounts and deals for the CHUV

Since CHUV employees have many discounts and good deals available in the canton, it became necessary to offer them a platform capable of providing them with the best deals closest to their location!

You may not have known it, but many companies and businesses offer discounts and good deals for CHUV staff, so much so that it is difficult for employees to find their way around.

Netinfluence was therefore mandated to set up a portal centralizing all these advantages, the associated businesses, the conditions, and their geographical locations. The goal was to allow employees to pull out their phone, geolocate themselves, and see all the good deals around them.

The difficulty was the sheer volume of these deals. There were so many that simply displaying the ones within a 15 kilometer radius was enough to paralyze a desktop browser, so a cell phone…

It was a very interesting topic from a technical point of view to optimize the search performance via ElasticSearch and the display performance via the display of agglomerations when there were too many good deals in one place.

Admittedly it was only a small project, with few pages and features, but it was mostly my very first project where we tackled the topic of server & browser performance, as well as data volume, which would later become my hobbyhorse for the rest of my career 😁.